States and Stages of
Spirit of Victory and Praise International Spiritual Center: Agape Mid-Atlantic
And I Will Restore Ministries, Inc.
Based on the States and Stages of Spiritual Development of Agape International Spiritual Center In Culver City, CA Founded by Rev. Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith.
To Me: Victim Consciousness Stage, —God outside of me is making things happen in my life, testing, rewarding and punishing me.
To It: Manifester Consciousness Stage, —I learn that God is within me rather than outside of me and that there is a law that I can use to effect changes and claim dominion over my life. I use this law effectively.
Through Me: Channel Consciousness Stage, —I have learned to establish dominion over my life and built strong structures for myself. Now I realize that there is more to life than this. I must surrender to Spirit and let it use me instead of me using It. As I surrender, God operates through me. It might be noted here that, if I do not willingly surrender, Spirit will give me a little push, or perhaps a big one if that is necessary.
As Me: Being Consciousness Stage, —Complete identification with God. I know that I am IT. Jesus was in this stage when he said, “When they see me, they see He that sent me.” And “I and my Father are one.” We are now transparencies for Christ and have moved from knowing the truth to being the Truth.
These stages are not as clear cut as they may appear to be. Most people, even after they have experienced t he fourth stage, may move in and out of all of them. However, usually one of the four predominates.